Friday, December 31, 2010

...and there she goes...

It seems as if 2010 just started and then here we are...done with yet another year. Twelve months...another calendar down....another year gone.

So like many others I have been reflecting a bit on what 2010 meant to me and what I'd like to do differently in 2011. And as such, this post was born.....

The year of 2010 saw much change in not only my physical health, but my emotional health as well. I lost 65 pounds and with those pounds, an immeasurable amount of emotional baggage. I worked through issues from the deaths of Schuyler and my Mom. I discovered that I have more inner strength than I had ever imagined. I developed a closer relationship to many members in my family, especially my niece and my Dad. The loss of so much shifted my perspective on things and helped me to see what things are truly important in my life.

One thing that I have realized is that a "HAPPY" life doesn't mean a life without sadness. I have a "HAPPY" life. I really do. I am happy with where my life has taken me, even if some of those trips have been dark, sad days that I never want to re-live. Those sad times and the happy times have shaped me to who I am today. And I am happy with that person. I see people who talk about the mundane "pains" of their day and it makes me sad. They stress out at the silliest of things. I hate that all I can think of is that if they knew TRUE SADNESS and SORROW then these small things would not be such an inconvenience in their life. Unfortunately it is a lesson that will probably have to be hard learned.

The new year bring the promise of many things for different people, but for me, the new year means much of the same.... times spent with the people I love the most, my family and dear friends
...focus on my physical and emotional health spent on meaningful things, instead of worrying about stuff that worrying won't change

Yeah, I have specific 2011 goals (resolutions of sorts, you might say) but those I tend to keep more to myself until I have honed the details.

I hope that 2011 is a year where you can gain perspective on the things that are really important in your own life and find a place where you are honestly at peace with who you are.

Happy New Year ~

1 comment:

Jami said...

Um, HELLO Lori! You didn't tell me you have a blog!!!! I'm your newest number one fan...and by the way, I sure love that Christmas Card holder. Sweet, huh?